You have an Awesome Product to sell. Or maybe you have an Awesome Service to provide. Either way, we know it’s Awesome. Your customers also know it’s Awesome because they bought it. They even left you rave reviews and told their friends about it. So everything is great, right? You have an Awesome Product and your customers bought it. Except, why aren’t you making enough profit?

The answer, as usual, is in the numbers. In this case, number of customers. The customers you do have love your product, but there’s just not enough of them. With the Client Attraction Machine you’ll finally be able to get the increase in customers you’ve always needed to maximize your profits.

In order to find out how to increase the number of customers, you first need to know why you don’t have enough in the first place. We know the problem is not your product because it is Awesome. The problem is how you’re getting people to view your product. You’re probably throwing it at them cold like, “BLAM! Buy my AWESOME PRODUCT because it’s AWEESOME!!1!11!” Unfortunately, the world, and especially the internet, is already filled with similar awesome products and your potential customers are overwhelmed by all of the options and possibly your enthusiasm. You need to find a way to get your potential customers to become your actual customers and not everyone else’s actual customers.

How do you do that?

This is where we come in. The Client Attraction Machine uses the steps of the Customer Value Optimization map, or CVO. Don’t worry, we’re experts at using the CVO. The first step is where we’ll increase the number of customers.

Step 1: Determine Product/Market Fit

To do this we need to determine how your product fits into a before and after state. For instance, BEFORE your customer did not have X (your Awesome Product) and was sad, but AFTER your customer bought X (Awesome Product) and was happy. To break this process down we use an 8-question grid.

Ask yourself these 8 questions…

  • What does your prospect HAVE in the “Before” state? What does your prospect HAVE in the “After” state?
  • How does your prospect FEEL in the “Before” state? How does your prospect FEEL in the “After” state?
  • What is an AVERAGE DAY like for your prospect in the “Before” state? What is an AVERAGE DAY like for your prospect in the “After” state?
  • What is your prospect’s STATUS in the “Before” state? What is your prospect’s STATUS in the “After” state?


Here’s an example. Say you are selling fertilizer.

  • Before you just HAVE regular dirt. After you HAVE great fertilizer to grow amazing plants.
  • Before you FEEL disappointed  that your plants won’t grow. After you FEEL excited because your plants are flourishing.
  • Before an AVERAGE DAY consists of tirelessly watering, weeding, tilling your plants. After an AVERAGE DAY consists of leisurely watering your robust garden.
  • Before your STATUS was a novice gardener. After your STATUS is a akin to an award winning farmer.


Simple, right? With these questions you can easily go from a mediocre marketing strategy, to an amazing marketing strategy. With a personalized Client Attraction Machine, we’ll help you to answer these questions and input them in a plan that will increase your customer numbers in no time.